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Early Sign of Businessman

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Wednesday, December 26, 2012 0 comments

I find it funny when my son told me he bought the jet made out of paper from his classmate for one peso. He said his classmate give it away for free but if you want with design then you need to pay one peso. I told him not to buy again but it amazes me how his classmate think of business at an early age. Their only in grade one and they already have this kind of thinking.

Harrell Horne 19th Foundation Day

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Thursday, December 13, 2012 0 comments

Last December 8, 2012, I accompanied my son at their school for their dance presentation. This is in celebration of Harrell Horne Integrated School 19th Foundation Day. My son is at primary 1 so after the pre-school its time for their presentation. After that we did not finished the event and went home. I believe the event lasted until evening including high school students.

Rhaine while waiting for the event to start

Kuya David enjoying the slide

David's teacher putting blue scarf on him

Kuya David

Nursery (Mickey/Minnie Inspire)

Kinder (with their colorful dress)

Prep (in yellow motif)

Primary 1 (Summer Theme)

Kuya David while dancing

Toy Story Coin Bank

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Wednesday, December 5, 2012 0 comments

I was buying christmas gifts the other day when I saw the different coin banks in display. I remembered I told David, my little boy, that I will buy him one so he can start saving money and we will open it next year. Toy Story design with Buzz on the picture is the one I chose since they are fond watching it all the time. He just put a 30 pesos in it yesterday from his baon. I hope he will never get tired and start to know and value money at a very young age.

RCBC Kids Account

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, November 13, 2012 0 comments

Just got a letter from my son's diary about RCBC offering a saving account for kids starting at P100. Well not bad for my little boy to start and learn how to save money. I want him to understand the value of money. I think they will have a visit at their school on Thursday and I would ask my husband to be there to open account for David.

Trick or Treat at Summer Pointe Country Homes

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, October 29, 2012 0 comments

My kids was not able to attend the trick or treat last year in our subdivision so this year I made sure they are able to participate. The registration is only P20. My little Rhaine wore peter pan's costume which her kuya used when he was 3yrs old. Her Kuya David wore his Taiwanese costume he used in school before. I bought them pumpkin basket to collect candies. I was surprised to see lots of kids in our subdivision. To my estimate its around 100 who participated. Its fun to see little children with different costumes. I though its gonna be less than 50 so we only prepared 40 packs of assorted candies. I even asked my husband to unpack it to be able to give everyone. Not everyone in the subdivision participated in giving candies but my kids was able to have their pumpkin basket almost half full. For sure next year they will join again, I just hope that the program would be more organized and in a bigger place.

Prone to Stye

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, October 23, 2012 0 comments

Last year Rhaine undergone operation due to multiple stye. I thought everything is ok now but to my surprise she had another one again on her right eye. This time it is much bigger compare before. She was given oral antibiotic (Cloxacillin) due to the puss and an eye ointment (Erythromycin). She will take this medicines for a week and we will visit the doctor again this coming Monday.

We've been through 3 or 4 different opthalmologist but no one give us a remedy on how to avoid stye. They just keep on telling us what causes stye which is blockage of the pores on the eye. It is somewhat similar to having acne or pimple. If the pores got block and bacteria was able to come in then the stye forms. Haaays.... my husband is thinking that her hair is one of the cause; he even mention of cutting her hair which I don't like. She's only 3 years old and I hope and I pray that as she grow up she would overcome this stye problem.

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Music Lovers

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 0 comments

ZZ top will have a show this October until December 2012, hurry grab your ZZ top concert tickets before it runs out. Also April of next year you can watch Coachella Music Festival, so reserve a seat now. And for those who is fan of Jack Johnson wait for jack johnson tickets. Music makes our life colorful.

Phlyctenular Disease on Kids

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Friday, October 12, 2012 0 comments

Last week we noticed that the right eye of my 3 years old baby girl is reddish. After 3 days we decided to bring her to an ophthalmology. She had a history of multiple "kuliti" before and she even had a surgery. I was surprised that the doctor recommended an x-ray since it can be a lung problem. I checked what the diagnosis and I read phlyctenular disease. I started searching online and it looks like around 70% of patient diagnosed is related to tubercolosis. That gives me a little nervous even though I know it can be treated. The doctor also give her Tobramycin eye drop, we are advised to use it every 3 hours whenever she is awake. The first day we started using it, her red eye got cleared. We went back to the doctor yesterday and thank God, she doesn't have any issue with her lungs and it is just an eye irritation. Thank you Lord for protecting my kids and my whole family.

Hi-tech Kids

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Thursday, September 20, 2012 0 comments

Kuya David playing Ipad, Rhaine and Joshua playing games on cellphone.

David's Field Trip 2012

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, September 4, 2012 0 comments

It was my son's field trip last August 28. Originally it was scheduled last August 16 but due to bad weather it was moved, good thing I was able also to move my vacation leave. Last year we went to Ayala Museum and Ocean Park in Manila. This year its another Ocean Adventure but this time in Pampanga. Its a long travel but its fun and exciting. We left Harrell Horne I think around 6:00 am. Our first visit was in Nayong Pilipino sa Clark. There we saw the replica of Barasoin Church, Emilio Aguinaldo's house and also the houses of our "ninuno", the aetas. There we bought a small magic spring toy, Davids cap a red shawl for me.

Next stop over is Ocean Adventure where we spent the whole day. We had our free lunch there which is pork adobo and chicken with sweet sauce plus iced tea. We are able to watch tree shows, first is how to survive in the jungle and they feature some animals like snake, bat, rat etc. Next is the dolphin show followed by the sea lion show. There we are able to buy a dolphin and a fish ref magnet as souvenir, also a snake toy and a frog stuff toy for my little girl. Last stop was at duty free but we just stayed on the bus to take a rest. We arrive at home around 11pm. It was a tiring day but really fun and educational.

Cough with Fever

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, August 20, 2012 0 comments

I enrolled David for 6 Saturday session for Math tutorial. Unfortunately this Saturday he was absent due to cough and fever. I remember when he was still a toddler he always get confined in the hospital due to cough and fever too. I wonder if he really has poor lungs. I did not bring him to the doctor and we just bought Calpol for his fever and phlemex for his cough. I hope he gets well before the class resume this coming Wednesday. We still need to study for his up coming periodical test.

Out of Focus

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, July 30, 2012 0 comments

I'm a little disappointed with my sons first monthly exam result. Though he doesnt have a failing grade most of his exams are in line of 8 (ex. 83,85, 89). Before when he was in preschool his exams are always in 90's if not perfect. I don't know if he is having a hard or just losing focus. I remember when I was in grade 1 then I study on my own and make my home work without any help from my parents. 

When I review him it looks like he understand everything but when I check his exams he forgets little things and sometimes mixed things up. I guess he needs more nutritious food, not sure. He no longer milk and most of the meal that he eat are processed food like hotdogs, luncheon meat, tocino, longganisa etc. 

Reading and Writing

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, July 9, 2012 0 comments

While doing assignments for the past week. I noticed that David doesn't enjoy much reading and writing. Due to this sometimes he don't finish their school activity on time and mostly he have low score when it comes to answering questions on short story. I think he got it from me, me too I don't love reading. I wonder what do I do to help him improve on this. We are now in computer world and what he enjoys doing are playing games online and on his Ipad.

David's 7th Birthday

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, June 25, 2012 0 comments

We are not able to get his Ipad for his birthday request due to my credit card problem but I'm hoping it will get fixed at the end of this month. Anyway we just had a simple celebration at home, Robin cooked spaghetti and I made some lumpia. Thanks to Tita Weng for his birthday cake and to Nanay for bringing ice cream. 

Start of K12

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, June 5, 2012 0 comments

Last June 4 most schools already started. But for my son who will be in grade one, theirs will start on June 13. He is not excited going back to school he said, he still likes to play. I know its gonna be more serious, less play compared to preschool. He will be part of the new school curriculum which is K12. I was not able to attend the school meeting about this last year. But what I've heard the school will use native language in teaching and the curriculum will be more advanced. I knew he will be able to cope up and I am praying that he would get better achievement as he grew up. 

Back to School

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, May 21, 2012 1 comments

Two more weeks and David will be back to school but this time in elementary. He's done with playtime and is going to face now a more serious world of studying. I knew he will be able to cope up. Beside I will always be there to support him. We haven't bought books and school supplies yet because we are running out of budget.... urgh. Anyways I know God will provide our needs. Excited for David's new world.

The Avengers

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, April 30, 2012 0 comments

Last Saturday I decided to watch The Avengers with my son, David and my hubby, Robin. It was after my graveyard shift we decided to wait for the first show at SM Molino. The mall opens at 10:00am and we arrived there maybe around 10:10am. All the four cinemas is showing The Avengers with different schedule, I think they have one hour interval. We watched the first show which starts at 10:20am. Good thing I asked the cashier to check my advantage points, the three of us was able to watch the movie for free. David requested for a big pack of cheese popcorn. I bought instead a package of large cheese popcorn + footlong sandwhich with two softdrinks. I also have with me a pack of 10pcs of small siopao which I bought from work. 

I haven't read the comics of Avengers but I am familiar with some of the heroes. I find the start of the movie quite slow but in the long run its very exciting. The effects are so great, maybe it would have been better if we watch it in 3D. Anyways I asked my husband to watch the 2nd show but then we are asked to go out because they have one screening policy. Nyek... I wonder why they have that since the theater is not even full. I remember we watch "Enteng ng Ina Mo" last December and they don't have that policy. Anyway... I enjoyed the movie but would like to see it again.

Smurfs Village on Iphone

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, April 23, 2012 0 comments

iPhone Screenshot 1David is counting days before his birthday. He is really excited for his new gadget, maybe an itouch or an ipad. For the mean time he keeps on playing my iphone and this time he got hooked with the smurfs. Those cute little blue creatures, how lovely. 

Swimming Lesson

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, April 16, 2012 0 comments

Ever since David bought a life vest his fear of water disappeared. He enjoyed swimming much better and would even jump to 6 ft where I cannot. I was planning before to enroll him in a swimming lesson offered near our place. I want him to learn how to swim even without a life vest. Its not just a fun activity but a life saver talent. Due to budget constraint I may not be able to enroll him but I hope next year I will. 

Harrel Horne Grade 1 Tuition Fee

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Thursday, April 12, 2012 0 comments

My son will be in elementary this coming school year and just wanted to share how much the tuition is specially to those who are hunting for school. This is actually for grades 1 to 3. The books for grade 1 cost P5055 not sure with grades 2 and 3. Harrel Horne is in Pag-asa just beside the Maluto Medical Clinic.

For Grade 1-3

Cash Basis
Tuition Fee:                    17,300.00
Miscellaneous:                  3,000.00
Other Fees:                      8,150.00

Tuition Fee:                     8,650.00
Miscellaneous:                  5,575.00
Total:                             14,225.00

October 16, 2012           14,935.00

Tuition Fee:                     5,190.00
Miscellaneous:                 3,345.00
Total:                               8,535.00

Schedule of Payment
July to November (every 16th of the month)     2,715.00
December 10, 2012                                         2,715.00
January and February 16                                  2,715.00

Ipad Request

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, April 3, 2012 0 comments

My son David will turn seven this coming June. Commonly, people here in the Philippines will throw a party when the child is 1, 7 and 18 (for girls), 21 (for boys). I still remember when David turns one. We really don't have money even to cook spaghetti. Thanks to my mom and Tita Weng who prepared some food on two separate days to celebrate. That's a different story.... 

Recently I was able to buy a 2nd hand Iphone and David is enjoying playing games with it. Almost everyday, he and Rhaine would have a fight over it.  On his birthday I told him I would buy him an Itouch as a gift and he said "I want an Ipad." (hehe). We checked out some stores and find out that Ipad is about 19k and Itouch is around 12k. I told him that Ipad is too expensive and he agreed to have an Itouch. Few more months and I am looking forward to buy this for my little boy.

Pre-school Graduation

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, March 26, 2012 1 comments

Last Saturday (March 24, 20212) was David's Graduation Day in Pre-school along with the Kinder accelerated to Grade 1. There are 66 total graduates for Pred and Kinder accelerated. I learned from the speaker that as parent we should at least spend few minutes of playtime and story time with our kids when they are small. She mention that our world today modern that communication can be everywhere but there are still lots of families with no communication. I know I am not a perfect mom but I do love my kids. Even David was not able to get honor this time I am still very proud of him. He was able to get one medal and one ribbon, Academic Achiever and Most Cooperative. After the event we eat dinner at Pizza Hut. Congrats David! and Thanks to Harrell Horne Integrated School for teaching and making my kid ready for grade 1.

Preschool Last Day

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Friday, March 16, 2012 0 comments

It was David's last day of school yesterday. They were even asked to bring food for the farewell party. He brought pansit for the said event. He said there were lots of foods specially cakes. This would be his last graduation in pre-school and next year he would be in elementary. I am not sure yet if he has any award or honor this coming graduation since they just took their last exam before the farewell party. Anyway with honor or not I am proud of my son moving in to elementary. Love you, son.

Rash Guard

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, March 6, 2012 0 comments

Two weeks ago we celebrated my mom's birthday at Circle Island Resort. This is the first time David was able to use the life vest that he purchased from the money that he got last Christmas. He spend most of his time in the pool the whole day which caused him to be dark, hehe. With his life vest with no fear he would jump in the 6ft pool and enjoy swimming  much better. Before he would only spend his time at the stairs of the pool. But since he is only wearing sando he got rashes in his armpit I guess due to the life vest that keeps on rubbing into his armpit. My brother suggested to me to buy rash guard for David. I am thinking of enrolling him to swimming lesson this summer and I am thinking of buying him rash guard swim wear. I wonder how much it is.


Posted by dheiyzhie12 Thursday, February 23, 2012 0 comments

David just had their exam last week. It was called CGAT. I wonder what it means. I think the AT means achievement test but I don't know what CG stands for. There exam was from their 3rd quarter lesson up to the latest topic. One more month and its going to be their graduation day. I am excited for him to enter the elementary level. Really school are advanced now a days and I am  happy that he is learning how to speak in english well too. I did not train him in english but I noticed recently that he uses english more frequent than before. Thanks to all his teachers, the school and the director of the school. I am looking forward of more fruitful years as we work as partners.

Focus Ron

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, January 31, 2012 0 comments

Its third grading period and I asked my husband to go to school to get my son's class card. He was told the school doesn't give out class card during the 3rd quarter but instead oblige the parents to go to school and talk to the adviser to have update about their kids. His teacher, Teacher Rose, says Ron was moved to advanced students since he is coping very well. However after that he started to lose his focus. He become noisy and lose attention with their school activities. Before he can  finish all activities the teacher ask him to do but now he doesnt. Teacher Rose also mention there was a time wherein he switch plus from minus and vise versa so the teacher asked him to do the test again and he was able to answer it well. Teacher decided to put David back to his previous seat. We need to help David focus on his studies whoever he seat with.  I guess that's what you call peer influence. 

Toy Story 3

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Wednesday, January 25, 2012 0 comments

Well, as requested by my son we bought this movie. We already have part one and two of this. I was able bought it for P275... not much of a discount. Just like the previous Toy Story both my kids love it. They keep on watching it... everyday.. more than once.. the whole day. Thanks to the three aliens from Pizza Planet from saving them... hehehe. My two year old girl imitates the aliens when they say, "The Claw." Another great movie from Pixar. I don't get tired watching it over and over.

Save Money on your Medication

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 0 comments

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

With two kids around buying medication is always part of my budget and its a good idea to be able to save money on it. Good thing Walgreens is offering now a special discount on annual membership of their Walgreens Prescription Savings Club. This offer is limited only until January 31 of this year. 

Family membership is only $10 a year and that includes everyone in your immediate family, including spouse and dependents not more than 23 years old. One more thing if you have a pet like a dog, he can also be part of your family membership. You can get savings on more than 8,000 brand-name and all generic medications, discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizer and diabetic supplies. You can also get bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and photofinishing services. 

Be part of Walgreens on Facebook to stay updated or you can follow Walgreens on Twitter. Share this great opportunity to your facebook friends and love ones so that they too can take advantage of this really great offer. Help others save money on their medication too. For your friends who are still single they can also take advantage of this by signing up the individual membership for only $5 a year during this promo period.

Visit Sponsor's Site

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Present Tense and Past Tense

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Tuesday, January 17, 2012 0 comments

I was reviewing my little boy yesterday for their exam today. I am really amazed how advanced education is now. He is only in pre-school and they are already studying the subject and verb agreement and is counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. He doesn't have any problem with Math but in English when to use plural verb and singular verb and also the past tense that makes him cry during our practice. He doesn't want to fail because of this. I hope what I taught him will retain in his memory and help him get good grades. His part of the top ten and I hope and he would still be this coming 3rd grading period. Love you son.

Toy Story

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Monday, January 16, 2012 0 comments

We just bought Toy Story in DVD last week. We had this before but David was still small then and I cant remember where the VCD is. We still have the VCD of Toy Story 2 but its already damaged, some parts of the movie are garbled. My two kids enjoys the movie so much and even me, I don't get tired watching it. Pixar movie are really great. My son is requesting to have Toy Story 3. The DVD that we bought shows a preview of it wherein Andy is going to college. Woody, Buzz and other toys are brought to a nursery school. I wonder what is the ending of the story. I'm not sure if I can find Toy Story 3 on sale. All of the cartoons that I bought for my kids are those on sale, hehe.

How to Discipline a 6 Year Old Kid

Posted by dheiyzhie12 Wednesday, January 4, 2012 0 comments

My son David will be 7 years old this coming June and I'm getting head ache on how to discipline him. Most of the time he is very active. He cannot stay on one location, he climbs almost every where. He always make tease his little sister and make her cry. He doesn't listen to our instruction most of the time. As much as possible I am avoiding spanking him but due to my high temper I always end up shouting and sometime saying words that I know could hurt him. There was an incident I told him that its much better if he is not around. I know I should have not told him that but I was not able to control myself. Haayss... I wanted my kids to grow up as a good citizen and God fearing. I guess my fault was I don't have time with my spiritual life so I was not able to instill to them the word of God. Lord please help me raise my kids. They are your gifts to us ... don't let them go astray and be far away from you. Forgive us for being not a good shepherd. I lay down my kids to you.. please be with them the rest of their lives. 

About Me

Hi! I am Daisy. A mother of two kids, Ron David & Rhaine Danielle. I made this blog to share my experiences as a wife and a mom. Also to be able to learn from all other ladies out there.

To all mothers out there I salute you!

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