Last Saturday was the class card distribution at my son's school. Before the cards was given the parents were first given a seminar by Ptr. Ody about parenting. I learned a lot from it. Parenting is very hard but very fulfilling. Our kids are gift from God. I remember he mention about the message in the bible "I am the vine and your are the branches." He relate this to family, God being the vine and parents the branches and kids as the fruit. God should be the center of our parenting to be able to bear good fruit.
Anyway their class card looks different. It shows no numbers but C(consistent), P(progress) and N(not yet) on different skills of the student. You will also see VS (very satisfactory), S (satisfactory) etc. per each category. I wonder what is his real grades in numbers, we are told before we could ask the teacher for that. He may not be the brightest in their class but for me he is the best, my beloved child.
Anyway their class card looks different. It shows no numbers but C(consistent), P(progress) and N(not yet) on different skills of the student. You will also see VS (very satisfactory), S (satisfactory) etc. per each category. I wonder what is his real grades in numbers, we are told before we could ask the teacher for that. He may not be the brightest in their class but for me he is the best, my beloved child.