We just visited Rhaine's pedia yesterday and she was advised to take Heraclene 1mg every morning for 1 month. The reason is her weight stays on 7.5kg for the past 2 months. She is 9months old and approximately drinks 5-6 bottles of 6oz of Promil gold every day. Dra. Estorninos says that it looks like she burns all her food intake every day and nothing is left for her to gain weight.
In addition to her vitamins, cherifer and ferlin, Dra. Estorninos prescribed Heraclene 1mg. It is a capsule and she told me to mix the powder in a small amount of water and use a dropper to give it to my baby. I checked online and find out that this medicine is used to increase appetite of a person. Dra. also recommended to give Rhaine fried egg yolk in the morning (using corn oil for frying). She also recommended rice with star margarine to give her more fats. We will visit her pedia after 1 month and I hope there is progress in her weight.